معلومات الإصدار

정글의 법칙 E312 180420
정글의법칙칙ㅡinㅡ남극 The Law of Jungle in Antarctica E312 180420 NEXT-VIU
정글의 법칙 in 남극 The Law of Jungle in Antarctica E312 180420 NEXT-VIU
تعليق منcaneboguy
EP 312 "The Geographical South Pole" Cast: Kim Byung-man, Jeon Hye Bin, and Kim Young-Kwang Chief Byung Man and the two members of the Expedition Team cook rice with solar power. Chief Byung Man finally reaches the Geographical South Pole. Meanwhile, Hye


نشرت في: 2018-04-21 10:26
تنزيلات: 7
ضعاف السمع: No
