معلومات الإصدار

평일 오후 세시의 연인 Love Affairs in the Afternoon E07 190726-NEXT-ODK
평일 오후 세시의 연인 Weekday at 3PM Lover E07 190726-NEXT-ODK
تعليق منRuoXi
Ep. 7 [OnDemandKorea Ver] "The Person Who Committed Love is Responsible". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:02:56/57. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^.Dear Translators, Please Do TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDIT. Note : E07 720p NEXT


نشرت في: 2019-07-28 00:27
تنزيلات: 10
ضعاف السمع: No
