معلومات الإصدار
조선정신과의사유세풍 Poong the Joseon Psychiatrist E03 220808 720p-NEXT-VIU
조선정신과의사유세풍 Joseon Psychiatrist Yoo Se-Poong E03 220808 720p-NEXT-VIU
تعليق منYoungJedi
[1:15:35] EP03: Gumiho in Sorak Village | Subtitle from VIU synced to HDTV-NEXT. [NOTE: This is for an earlier version of NEXT release. There's a 1-2 secs. skip at around minute 35 in this version. LINK for the ver. with 1:15:38 runtime: https://bit.ly/3B
نشرت في: 2022-08-08 19:22
تنزيلات: 6
ضعاف السمع: No