HeartBeat (My Heart is Beating / Gaseumi Ddwinda / 가슴이 뛴다)
تنزيل الترجمة English
معلومات الإصدار
가슴이뛴다-HeartBeat S01 COMPLETE AMZN WEB-MARK/thon
تعليق منYoungJedi
[AMZN WEB] Complete series. | Subtitle for AMZN WEB-DL. Spoken English lines added. Includes version with {an8} (texts at the top of screen). | You can support me on ko-fi.com/youngjedisubs. Thank you! Happy watching!
نشرت في: 2023-08-16 09:35
تنزيلات: 8
ضعاف السمع: No