Why Her? (Why Oh Soo Jae? / Wae Osujaeinga? / 왜 오수재인가)
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Información de lanzamiento
왜오수재인가 Why Her E03 220610 720p-NEXT-VIU
왜오수재인가 Why Oh Soo Jae E03 220610 720p-NEXT-VIU
Comentario porYoungJedi
[1:03:04] Episode 3: The Director of the Legal Clinic Center | Subtitle from VIU resynced to match HDTV-NEXT. Corrected common errors (long lines, same line dialogues, etc.) and changed the currency to won. | You can support me on ko-fi.com/youngjedisubs.
Publicado el: 2022-06-10 15:23
Descargas: 5
Para personas con discapacidad auditiva: No