Titel | Autor | Bewertung | Kommentar | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-04-26 | Slechte Kim krijgt een keer iemand anders geluk en hij wordt erg rijk. Ze zijn allemaal jaloers op hem, maar hij weet dat hij opnieuw een bedelaar moet worden. Kim wil geen afstand doen van zijn rijkdom en besluit iemand te vermoorden die de meester van z |
Titel | Autor | Bewertung | Kommentar | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-04-20 | Tale of Yegory the Brave based on Russian folk spiritual verses. | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-04-18 | A wise weaver who helped unravel the cunning mystery of the king, and thereby saved the kingdom from the war. When the tsar offered the weaver to become the vizier, he answered, I don't want to be your vizier. I have my own business. | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-04-21 | This fairy tale - in the spirit of the mountain epics and legends full of folk wisdom, poetry and reflections on life, will tell the children the story of a man who was looking for immortality. | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-04-29 | Cheerful hospitable Gocha is always happy to set the table for friends. It is a pity that sometimes there is nothing at all in the house. Once his guests are birds headed by the Tsar-Voron, he can not be left without food. | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-04-21 | Tale of soldier Vanya, who with the help of military savvy and magic things won all the evil forces and even death in his native land, freed the people from captivity and met with his bride. | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-05-24 | There lived in one village an old father and three of his sons. The father had grown old, the elder brothers had cleaned up all the household, and the old man, his father and younger brother, whom Shishom called, was driven from the yard. But Shish did no | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-05-24 | Itelmen fairytale about how a man taught Raven - a deceiver to fish. | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-04-19 | A fairy tale about the meeting of caesar Pyotr The Great and a simple soldier who turned out to be a full namesake of the Sovereign - the Emperor, and even a fellow countryman. Without recognizing the tsar, the soldier takes care of and "enlightens" the y | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-04-20 | Snake Gorynych is defeated not by a fairy warrior-hero, but by a simple man-artisan. | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-05-13 | A fairy tale about how a Nenets youth named Mayma planned to conquer the airspace in order to fight a terrible giant who stole people. | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-04-26 | Evil Queen-stepmother dreams of profitingly marrying her stepchild-the young King, but the young King marries for love on the daughter of the sea King. The queen-stepmother tries to destroy this happy union, but love and faithfulness conquer evil. | |||
other | Fataobstant | 2019-09-26 | The film is based on the Jewish maises. Grandfathers of different generations are trying to explain to their grandson, using a simple example, why they need to constantly read the Book of Books - the Torah. | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-04-21 | The tale of how a country boy, the obstinate Vanya, married princess Marya, helped three old people share things, and the prince Vasily to marry Yelena the Fair. | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-05-24 | A Tatarian fairytale, in which it is said that the fault of three rich idlers, the worker Hakim lost all his good. Turning to them for help, he received only mockery in return. And then the cunning poor man regained to himself the lost with a vengeance an | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-04-18 | The tale of a clay monster is an animated pot, defeated by a little boy. | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-05-24 | A fairytale of Khanty people tells how the foxes became small and red. | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-05-09 | The sly Fox stole all four of her friends - the Wolf, the Hare, the Bear and the Rooster, all their oil reserves, and blamed the whole blame on the Bear. But the clever Rooster learned the truth, and Fox was punished. | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-04-19 | Poor Kim for a time gets someone else's happiness, and he becomes very rich. They all envy him, but he knows that he will again have to become a beggar. Not wanting to part with his wealth, Kim decides to kill someone who will be called the master of his | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-04-27 | A fairy tale about how blacksmith Stepan gave people the Month, Star, Sun and married the daughter of a Kazakh ataman. | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-04-29 | Moskva's legend about the life of Saint Basil-the-Blessed. | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-04-20 | A fairy tale about how Ivan the Fool married a princess. | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-04-19 | This story is about how General Suvorov sends one soldier with a victorious report to Peterburg to Empress Yekaterina II. He overcomes a long way, goes through a series of magical adventures and honorably obeys the order of the general. | |||
other | Fataobstant | 2019-09-22 | A ram and a goat got lost in the woods. But thanks to the goat’s smartness they frightened a wolf pack and a big bear and became the true masters of the woods. | |||
other | Fataobstant | 2019-09-22 | A ram and a goat got lost in the woods. But thanks to the goat’s smartness they frightened a wolf pack and a big bear and became the true masters of the woods. | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-04-18 | Soldier's tale about how dexterity and savvy help the soldier in various everyday and fantastic situations. A small red soldier and robber defeated, and the sorcerer deceived, having got a magic bird, and before the governor in the mud did not hit his fac | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-05-13 | Cockerel accidentally got a nut in the cat's eye, the cat complained to the bear. Bear, as the main beast in the forest, tried to sort out the situation, but only more confused. In this trial, all the inhabitants of the forest and the village were involve |
Titel | Autor | Bewertung | Kommentar | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-05-24 | Татарская сказка, в которой говорится, как по вине трех богатых бездельников труженик Хаким потерял всё своё добро. Обратившись к ним же за помощью, он в ответ получил лишь насмешки. И тогда хитроумный бедняк вернул себе утраченное с лихвой и посмеялся на | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-05-24 | Ительменская сказка о том, как человек научил Ворона - обманщика ловить рыбу. | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-04-18 | Это фильм о мудром ткаче, который помог разгадать царю хитроумную загадку, и тем самым спас царство от войны. Когда царь предложил ткачу стать визирем, тот ответил, не хочу быть твоим визирем. У меня свое дело есть. | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-05-24 | Жили в одной деревне старик-отец и три его сына. Вот постарел совсем отец, старшие братья все хозяйство себе прибрали, а старика-отца и младшего брата, которого Шишом звали, прогнали со двора. Но Шиш отца не бросил, сумел разбогатеть, да и злых завистливы | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-04-19 | Сказочная история о встрече царя Петра Великого и простого солдата, оказавшегося полным тезкой Государя -- Императора, да еще и земляком. Не узнав царя, солдат опекает и «вразумляет» молодого гвардейца, а тот в свою очередь, не подает вида и «на ус мотает | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-04-20 | Сказка про то, как Иван-Дурак на царевне женился. | |||
other | Fataobstant | 2019-09-22 | Баран и козел заблудились в густом лесу. Но, благодаря находчивости Козла, они испугали не только стаю волков, но и огромного медведя и стали в этом лесу настоящими хозяевами. | |||
other | Fataobstant | 2019-09-22 | Баран и козел заблудились в густом лесу. Но, благодаря находчивости Козла, они испугали не только стаю волков, но и огромного медведя и стали в этом лесу настоящими хозяевами. | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-04-21 | Сказка о том, как деревенский парень, упрямец Ваня, женился на царевне Марье, помог трем старикам поделить вещи, а царевичу Василию взять в жены Елену Прекрасную. | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-05-09 | Хитрая Лиса стащила у четырех друзей - Волка, Зайца, Медведя и Петуха весь их запас масла, а всю вину свалила на Медведя. Но умный Петух узнал правду, и Лиса была наказана. |
Titel | Autor | Bewertung | Kommentar | |||
other | Fataobstant | 2019-09-26 | La película está basada en las maises judías. Los abuelos de diferentes generaciones están tratando de explicarle a su nieto, usando un ejemplo simple, por qué necesitan leer constantemente el Libro de los Libros : la Torá. | |||
other | Beringen | 2018-04-26 | El pobre Kim por un tiempo obtiene la felicidad de otra persona, y se vuelve muy rico. Todos lo envidian, pero él sabe que tendrá que convertirse nuevamente en un mendigo. Como no quiere separarse de su riqueza, Kim decide matar a alguien que será llamado |