Release info
당신이소원을말하면 If You Wish Upon Me E04-220818-HDTV H264-NEXT
당신이소원을말하면 If You Say Your Wish E04-220818-HDTV H264-NEXT
당신이소원을말하면 Tell Me Your Wish E04-220818-HDTV H264-NEXT
A Commentary byWakkWall
Official VIU and VIKI subtitles resynced for NEXT version. There is a different scene from NEXT version with extra dialogue that the WEB version does not have so there are some missing lines at the start. Runtime: 01:02:04 Follow me at Twitter: @wakkwall5
Published on: 2022-08-18 14:58
Downloads: 7
Hearing Impaired: No