The American Friend (Der Amerikanische Freund) (Der amerikanische Freund)
Pobierz napisy English
Informacje o wydaniu
Includes the English as well as German Had to do it myself since there was nothing available that had the English parts May have missed some English here and there because of the poor audio but most of the important parts are there You may have to adjust the start/end timing to your release version The one I have is tt0075675 DVDRip XviD Kazuzu
Komentarz odCSlim
Includes the English as well as German. Had to do it myself since there was nothing available that had the English parts. May have missed some English here and there because of the poor audio but most of the important parts are there. You may have to adju
Opublikowano: 2007-08-16 13:42
Pobrania: 29
Dla niesłyszących: Yes