A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
Shkarko Titrat English
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A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1949) BluRay No-SDH No-Lyrics 1:47:00
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No SDH/HI and song lyric subtitles are NOT included, no vanity tags or colorization of subtitles, all original italics preserved, film running time of 1:47:00. Extensive adjustments made to shrink triple line subtitles to dual line / dual line to single, added hyphens & added line breaks to correctly identify different speakers, corrected mistakes embedded in the original PGS subtitles, and other manual fixes to account for OCR-unfriendly "medieval" dialogue.
Publikuar më: 2022-09-10 02:18
Shkarkime: 7
Dëgjim i Dëmtuar: No