العنوان | الناشر | التقييم | التعليقات | |||
bluray | kepler42 | 2012-11-10 | ||||
other | dead_poet | 2009-11-06 | 701 mb file | |||
bluray | subshare | 2012-11-17 | Credits to some Anonymous user who uploaded a manual transcript at opensubtitles.org. I spellchecked and corrected as good as possible and split long lines (using Subtitle Edit for automatic line split). It's not perfect, but it should be quite ok. | |||
other | Projecte_Transmate | 2021-09-18 | Filled in the gaps and corrected the mistakes by looking at O'Neill play. Reunited sentences to make translation to other languages easier. Adjusted times where possible. |