mik7( 209 )

CadaveriEccellenti(1976)Greek other
TheAmbushers(1967)Greek other
Le Silencieux 1973Greek other
Down Argentine Way (1940)Greek other
Les Fetes Galantes 1965Greek other
L'arme A Gauche (1965)Greek other
That's My Boy (1951)Greek other
Pote Tin Kiriaki 1960Greek other
Otan I Polis Pethaini 1969Greek other
Le Gorille Vous Salue Bien (1958)Greek otherThe Redhead From Wyoming (1953)Greek otherTintin Et Le Mystere De La Toison D'or (1961)Greek other
Appointment In London 1953Greek other
Martha (1967)Greek other
High Wall (1947)Greek other
After The Thin Man 1936Greek other
Murderers' Row (1966)Greek other
Captain January 1936Greek other
In The Good Old Summertime 1949Greek other
Jessica(1962)Greek other
Pride And Prejudice 1940Greek other
The Ghost Breakers (1940)Greek other
The 39 Steps 1959Greek other
Touchez Pas Au Grisbi 1954Greek other
Mysterious Mr Moto (1938)Greek otherLiving It Up (1954)Greek other
Marie-Octobre 1959Greek other
The Call Of The Wild (1935)Greek other
Who Was That Lady 1960Greek other
CaughtInTheDraft(1941)Greek otherTrois Jours A Vivre (1957)Greek otherPin Up Girl (1944)Greek otherOver The Moon 1939Greek other
Goodbye E Amen (1978)Greek other
At Gunpoint 1955Greek other
Pleins Feux Sur Stanislas (1965)Greek otherI Girasoli 1970Greek otherTall In The Saddle (1944)Greek otherThe Quiller Memorandum 1966Greek other
Rawhide 1951Greek other
Without Reservations (1946)Greek otherAvec La Peau Des Autres (1966)Greek other
Something Big (1971)Greek otherLe Rapace (1968)Greek otherMoney From Home (1953)Greek other
East Side, West Side (1949)Greek otherThe High And The Mighty (1954)Greek otherTheBribe(1949)Greek other
HisKindOfWoman(1951)Greek other
UnTaxiPourTobrouk(1961)Greek other
Borderline(1950)Greek otherWarlock 1959Greek other
Curly Top 1935Greek other
Easy To Wed (1946)Greek otherRififi A Tokyo (1963)Greek other
La 7eme Cible (1984)Greek otherThe Love Parade 1929Greek other
TheyGotMeCovered(1943)Greek other
125RueMontmartre(1959)Greek otherGood Neighbor Sam 1964Greek other
The Horn Blows At Midnight (1945)Greek otherLe Capitan 1960Greek other
The Littlest Rebel (1935)Greek other
Limportant cest daimer 1975Greek other
Camille 1936Greek cam
LArme Des Ombres 1969Greek other
Razzia Sur La Chnouf (1955)Greek other
TheBrideWoreBoots1946Greek otherS1946An Ideal Husband 1947Greek other
FleshAndTheDevil1926Greek other
The Silencers (1966)Greek other
Ten Little Indians 1965Greek other
Lemmerdeur 1973Greek other
Le Rouge Est Mis 1957Greek other
Le Pacha (1968)Greek other
Bathing Beauty 1944Greek other
Les Tontons Flingueurs (1963)Greek other
Possessed 1947Greek other
4 For Texas 1963Greek other
Good Day For A Hanging (1959)Greek other
Side StreetGreek otherSideStreet(1949)Greek otherSideStreet(1949)Greek otherPhantom Lady (1944)Greek otherGolfo 1955Greek other
The Bride Came C O D 1941Greek cam
Action Immediate (1957)Greek otherThe Princess Comes Across (1936)Greek other
Trio1950Greek other
We're Not Dressing (1934)Greek other
UnTemoinDansLaVille(1959)Greek other
Bogus BanditsThe Devils Brother 1933Greek other
Eleni 1985Greek other
Convicted(1950)Greek other
Lady On A Train (1945)Greek other
Four Jills In A Jeep (1944)Greek other
What Price Glory (1952)Greek otherWe're Not Married! (1952)Greek otherCharley's Aunt (1941)Greek other
La Mome Vert De Gris 1953Greek other